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偏微分方程(第二卷 英文版)2011年版  下载

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偏微分方程(第二卷 英文版)
作者:(德)索维尼 著
vii operators in banach spaces
 1 fixed point theorems
 2 the leray-schauder degree of mapping
 3 fundamental properties for the degree of mapping
 4 linear operators in banach spaces
 5 some historical notices to the chapters iii and vii
viii linear operators in hilbert spaces
 1 various eigenvalue problems
 2 singular integral equations
 3 the abstract hilbert space
 4 bounded linear operators in hilbert spaces
 5 unitary operators
 6 completely continuous operators in hilbert spaces
 7 spectral theory for completely continuous hermitianoperators
 8 the sturm-liouville eigenvalue problem
 9 weyl's eigenvalue problem for the laplace operator
 9 some historical notices to chapter viii
ix linear elliptic differential equations
 1 the differential equation △φ+p(x, y)φx+q(x, y)φy=r(x, y)
 2 the schwarzian integral formula
 3 the riemann-hilbert boundary value problem
 4 potential-theoretic estimates.
 5 schauder's continuity method
 6 existence and regularity theorems
 7 the schauder estimates
 8 some historical notices to chapter ix
x weak solutions of elliptic differential equations
 1 sobolev spaces
 2 embedding and compactness
 3 existence of weak solutions
 4 boundedness of weak solutions
 5 hslder continuity of weak solutions
 6 weak potential-theoretic estimates
 7 boundary behavior of weak solutions
 8 equations in divergence form
 9 green's function for elliptic operators
 10 spectral theory of the laplace-beltrami operator
 11 some historical notices to chapter x
xi nonlinear partial differential equations
 1 the fundamental forms and curvatures of a surface
 2 two-dimensional parametric integrals
 3 quasilinear hyperbolic differential equations and systems ofsecond order (characteristic parameters)
 4 cauchy's initial value problem for quasilinear hyperbolicdifferential equations and systems of second order
 5 riemann's integration method
 6 bernstein's analyticity theorem
 7 some historical notices to chapter xi
xii nonlinear elliptic systems
 1 maximum principles for the h-surface system
 2 gradient estimates for nonlinear elliptic systems
 3 global estimates for nonlinear systems
 4 the dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic systems
 5 distortion estimates for plane elliptic systems
 6 a curvature estimate for minimal surfaces
 7 global estimates for conformal mappings with respect toriemannian metrics
 8 introduction of conformal parameters into a riemannianmetric
 9 the uniformization method for quasilinear elliptic differentialequations and the dirichlet problem
 10 an outlook on plateau's problem
 11 some historical notices to chapter xii

上一篇: 偏微分方程(第一卷 英文版)2011年版
下一篇: 数学与人文(第8辑):数学与求学
