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清华数学讲义 英文 季理真,潘日新,丘成桐主编 2018年版  下载

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清华数学讲义 英文


Part I Course Notes
Lectures on the Geometry of the Scalar Curvature

Part II Survey Papers
Modular Generalized Springer Correspondence: an Overview
The Yamabe Problem on Dirichlet Spaces
Stacks in Representation Theory
Remarks on Mirror Symmetry of Donaldson-Thomas Theory for Calabi-Yau 4-folds
On the Counting of Hitchin Bundles
Image Nonnegative Factorization: Formulation and Numerical Strategies
l-adic Realization of Some Aspects of Landau-Ginzburg β-models
The Conformal Flow of Metrics and the General Penrose Inequality
Floer Theoretic Invariants for 3- and 4-manifolds
Kodaira Dimension in Low Dimensional Topology
Counting Holomorphic Discs in K3 Surfaces
Uniqueness of Kerr Solution and Positive Mass Theorem
On Metrics that Can Be Viewed as "Localized Einstein Metrics"
Kahler Geometry, Momentum Maps and Convex Sets
Springer Correspondence for Complex Reflection Groups
Sequences Modulo One: Convergence of Local Statistics
Smooth Transonic Flows in De Laval Nozzles
Some Recent Results in CR Geometry
Backward Uniqueness for Parabolic Operators
Heat Flows with Applications

上一篇: 清代著名天文数学家梅文鼎 李迪,郭世荣编著 1988年版
下一篇: 清华版考研数学系列 2018考研数学考前冲刺10套卷 数学三 胡金德,谭泽光,梁恒 主编 2017年版
