一、《太原统计年鉴》收录了全市和各县(市、区)经济、社会各方面的统计数据,是一部统计信息密集、综合性强、全面反映太原市国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 二、全书内容共分14个篇章,即:1.综合;2.人口、计划生育和社会治安;3.从业人员和劳动报酬;4.固定资产投资、建筑业;5.能源消费与库存;6.物价指数;7.住户调查;8.公用事业;9.农业;10.工业、交通运输和邮电;11.国内外贸易和旅游;12.财政、金融、税务和保险;13.科教、文卫、体育和民政;14.县(市、区)经济概况。 三、本年鉴总量指标计算所采用的价格,除注明外均为当年价格。 四、本年鉴资料主要来自年度统计报表、抽样调查和业务部门统计年报。 五、本年鉴表中符号使用说明: “空格”表示该项统计数据不详、不足计量单位或无。 “#”表示其中主要项。 六、读者在使用历史资料时,凡与本年鉴有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 七、本年鉴中部分数据合计数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 八、本年鉴出版发行,受到社会各界的关心和支持,对此深表谢意,并欢迎提出宝贵意见。 Ⅰ.Taiyuan statistical yearbook 2016 covers major statistic data of Taiyuan society and economic in 2015.It is a reference book with sufficient and comprehensive information. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains 14 chapters:1.General Survey;2.Population,Family Planning and Social Security;3.Emplyment and Wages;4.Investment in Fixed Assets a nd Construction;5.Energy Consumption and Inventory;6.Price Indicators;7.Household Survey;8.Public Utilities;9.Agriculture;10.Industry,Transportation and Telecommunications;11.Domestic and Foreign trade,Tourism;12.Finance,Banking,Taxation and Insurance;13.Science,Education,Culture,Public health,Sports and Civil Affairs;14.Basic Economic Statistics of at County Level(districts,counties and cities). Ⅲ.The gross items in this yearbook are calculated at current prices unless otherwise specified. Ⅳ.The data and materials in this yearbook are mainly obtained from annual statistical reports,the sample survey and the annual statistical bulletion of related department. Ⅴ.Notation used in this yearbook:the mark of "blank" indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit or the data are not available.The mark of "#" indicates the major items of the total. Ⅵ.If there is any discrepancy,when using the historical data,please refer to the newly pubished version of the yearbook. Ⅶ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjuested in the Yearbook. Ⅷ.The publishing yearbook gets lots of care and support from the society.We express deeply gratitude to the attentions,and welcome providing valuable suggestions.
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