机械工程专业英语 第3版 作者:唐一平 著 出版时间:2017年版内容简介 本教材专为普通工科院校机械工程专业类本科生编写,内容涵盖了常规及超级工程材料,常规和特种机械加工技术,公差与配合以及定位和夹具,齿轮及液压传动,直接传动,高速切削加工和数控技术及数控加工中心,自动控制,传感器和机器人技术,3D打印技术。附录还包括了英文摘要写作,国外工科名校(麻省理工)简介,机床说明书翻译及丰富多彩的校园词汇等。目录CONTENTSUnit 1 Engineering Materials (Ⅰ)(工程材料Ⅰ) 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Ferrous Metals and Alloys 21.3 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys 4Notes 7Glossary 9Unit 2 Engineering Materials (Ⅱ)(工程材料Ⅱ) 102.1 Introduction 102.2 Ceramics 102.3 Polymers 122.4 Composite Materials 142.5 Metamaterials 15Notes 16Glossary 17Unit 3 Casting(铸造) 203.1 Introduction 203.2 Sand Casting 203.3 Investment Casting 213.4 Expendable-pattern Casting 223.5 Centrifugal Casting 233.6 Inspection of Casting 24Notes 24Glossary 25Unit 4 Forging and Die(锻造与模具) 274.1 Introduction 274.2 Open-die Forging 274.3 Impression-die and Closed-die Forging 284.4 Precision Forging 294.5 Die Manufacturing Methods 30Notes 31Glossary 32Unit 5 Conventional Machining Processes(常规机械加工工艺) 335.1 Introduction 335.2 Turning and LatheTT 335.3 Milling and Milling MachineTT 365.4 Drilling and Drill PressTT 39Notes 41Glossary 42Unit 6 Nontraditional Machining Processes(特种加工工艺) 456.1 Introduction 456.2 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) 466.3 Chemical Machining (CM) 466.4 Electrochemical Machining (ECM) 486.5 Laser Beam Machining (LBM) 496.6 Ultrasonic Machining (USM) 50Notes 51Glossary 53Unit 7 High Speed Cutting (HSC)(高速切削加工) 567.1 Definition 567.2 Introduction to High Speed Cutting 567.3 Introduction 58Notes 59Glossary 60Unit 8 Tolerances and Fits(公差与配合) 628.1 Introduction 628.2 TolerancesTT 638.3 FitsTT 648.4 ISO System of Llimits and FitsTT 65Notes 67Glossary 68Unit 9 Location and Fixtures(定位与夹具) 719.1 Introduction 719.2 Adovantages of Jigs and Fixtures 719.3 The Location of The Workpiece 729.4 The Clamping of Workpiece 749.5 Classes of Fixtures 75Notes 77Glossary 78Unit 10 Gear Transmission(齿轮传动) 8110.1 Introduction 8110.2 Spur Gears 8110.3 Helical Gears 8410.4 Bevel Gears 8510.5 Worm Gearing 8510.6 Gear Geometry 86Notes 89Glossary 89Unit 11 Hydraulic Transmission(液压传动) 9111.1 Introduction 9111.2 Hydraulic Pump 9211.3 Hydraulic Valves 9311.4 Hydraulic Cylinder 9611.5 Hydraulic Motor 97Notes 98Glossary 100Unit 12 Direct Drive Technology(直接传动技术) 10212.1 Introduction 10212.2 Direct-Drive Linear (DDL) Motion 10212.3 Direct-drive Rotary (DDR) Motors Streamline Machine Design 10412.4 Motorized Spindle 106Notes 107Glossary 109Unit 13 Numerical Control(数控技术) 11113.1 Introduction 11113.2 NC and CNC 11113.3 Construction of CNC Machines 11213.4 DNC (Distributed Numerical Control) System 114Notes 117Glossary 118Unit 14 CNC Machining Centers(数控加工中心) 11914.1 Introduction 11914.2 The Concept of Machining Centers 12014.3 Types of Machining Center 12014.4 Components of a Machining Center 12214.5 Characteristics and Capabilities of Machining Centers 125Notes 125Glossary 126Unit 15 Automatic Control(自动控制技术) 12915.1 Introduction 12915.2 Open-Loop Control and Closed-Loop Control 12915.3 Applications of Automatic Control 13015.4 Artificial Intelligence in Mechatronics 132Notes 134Glossary 136Unit 16 CAD/CAM(计算机辅助设计与制造) 13916.1 Introduction 13916.2 Geometric Modeling 13916.3 CAD/CAM 14116.4 Computer-Aided Process Planning 144Notes 144Glossary 146Unit 17 Transducers(传感器) 14717.1 Introduction 14717.2 Transducer Elements 14717.3 Analog and Digital Transducers 14717.4 Use of Sensors in Programmable Automation 14917.5 Some Terms 150Notes 151Glossary 153Unit 18 Robots(机器人) 15518.1 Introduction 15518.2 Definition of Robot 15518.3 Components of a Robot System 15618.4 Industrial Robots 15718.5 Medical Robots 15818.6 Underwater Robots 15918.7 Walking Robots 15918.8 Humanoid Robots 160Notes 161Glossary 162Unit 19 Additive Manufacturing(增材制造) 16519.1 Introduction 16519.2 AM Processes and Materials 16619.3 Applications of Additive Manufacturing 16919.4 Conclusions 171Notes 172Glossary 173Unit 20 Development of Modern Manufacturing(现代制造技术的发展) 17620.1 Introduction 17620.2 Mechanization 17720.3 Programmable Automation 17720.4 Computer-aided Manufacturing 17820.5 Flexibility 17820.6 Remanufacturing 179Notes 181Glossary 182Unit 21 IT and Manufacturing(信息技术与制造业) 18421.1 Introduction 18421.2 Computer-integrated Manufacturing 18421.3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System 18621.4 Computer-aided System (CAx) 187Notes 188Glossary 190Unit 22 Manufacturing and Roles of Engineers(制造与工程师的作用) 19122.1 Manufacturing 19122.2 Roles of Engineers 193Notes 194Glossary 196附录A 科技论文英文摘要写作要点 198A.1 论文标题 198A.2 摘要写作注意事项 198A.3 典型常用语句实例 202A.4 汉译英范文(参考) 203附录B 麻省理工学院简介 205B.1 原文 205B.2 参考译文 209附录C 机床说明书翻译样本 213附录D 校园常用词汇 217附录E 部分参考译文 221第2单元 工程材料(II) 221第3单元 铸造 225第4单元 锻造与模具 227第6单元 特种加工工艺 230第11单元 液压传动 233第20单元 现代制造技术的发展 237第21单元 信息技术与制造业 240参考文献 244 上一篇: 机械工程图学基础教程 南京大学材料科学与工程系列丛书 下一篇: 机械工人入门系列 车工入门