贵金属合金相图及化合物结构参数 英文版 作者:何纯孝 主编 出版时间:2010年版 内容简介 《贵金属合金相图及化合物结构参数(英文版)》是国内外发表的8种贵金属元素金(Au)、银(Ag)、铂(Pt)、钯(Pd)、铑(Rh)、铱(Ir)、锇(Os)和钌(Ru)合金相图及相关数据的荟萃,其中大部分内容是经过国际相图委员会组织专家评审的,因而具有较高的可靠性。书中包括了8种贵金属元素的二元、三元、四元、五元及六元系合金相图及化合物的结构数据(包括相名称、化学式、晶体结构、结构符号、结构典型、皮尔逊符号及晶格参数等)的同时,提供了详细的参考文献。书中共收入贵金属合金相图1080个体系,2126幅相图以及3283个贵金属金属间化合物。全书共分5章:第1章是二元系合金相图;第2章是三元系合金相图;第3章是高元系合金相图;第4章是二元化合物的结构参数;第5章三元化合物的结构参数。每章都有一个概述,它简要介绍了相关的根本概念、研究现状、发展趋势以及初步总结的经验规律。《贵金属合金相图及化合物结构参数(英文版)》可供从事贵金属合金材料研究、开发、应用、设计的科技工作者及冶金工作者参考。 目录 1 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Binary Alloys 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Fundamental conception and phase diagram theory 1.1.2 About the expression of coordinate in phase diagrams 1.1.3 The expression of intermediate phases 1.1.4 Experimental determination of phase diagrams 1.1.5 About the calculation and prediction of phase diagrams 1.1.6 About the reliability of phase diagrams 1.1.7 The present research situation on phase diagrams of precious metal binary alloys 1.1.8 Interactions of precious metals with other elements in the Periodical Table 1.1.9 Relationship between types of binary alloy phase diagrams of the elements in group Ⅷ and group IB with Mendeleev number 1.1.10 Investigation on phase diagrams of precious metal binary alloys in China 1.2 Phase Diagrams References 2 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Ternary Alloys 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Regulations of the constitution of phase diagrams 2.1.2 The present research situation on phase diagrams of precious metal ternary alloys and its progress 2.2 Phase Diagrams References 3 Phase Diagrams of Precious Metal Multi-component Alloys 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 The basic conceptions and important theory 3.1.2 The present research situation of phase diagrams of precious metal multi-component alloys and its progress 3.2 Phase Diagrams References 4 Binary Compounds of Precious Metals and Their Structure Parameters 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Basic concept 4.1.2 Compound classification 4.1.3 Brief history of the development of intermetallic compounds 4.1.4 Intermetallie compounds containing precious metals and their application 4.2 Compounds and Their Structure Parameters References 5 Ternary Compounds of Precious Metals and Their Structure Parameters 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Compounds and Their Structures Parameters References Appendixes Appendix 1 Conversion of the Mass Percentage to Mole Percentage and Vice Versa for Binary Systems Appendix 2 Conversion of the Mass Percentage to Mole Percentage and Vice Versa for Ternary Systems Appendix 3 Conversion of the Mole Percentage to Atom Percentage and Vice Versa for Pseudo- binary Systems Index of Phase Diagrams