金属成形过程中的组织演化 英文影印版 作者:林建国 著 出版时间:2017年版 内容简介 本书总结了大量关于金属塑性成形过程中微观组织演变的建模和控制的新研究结果,深入系统地探讨了钢变形过程中的微观组织演化规律,综述了钢相变的建模模拟、统一本构方程和微合金钢的加工硬化,分析了包括铝材成形中的时效行为等在内的其他材料成形加工中的微观组织演化现象。 目录 Contents Part1 General principles 1 Understanding and controlling microstructural evolution in metal forming:an overview 2 Techniques for modelling microstructure in metal forming processes 3 Modelling techniques for optimizing metal forming processes 4 Recrystallisation and grain growth in hot working of steels 5 Severe plastic deformation for grain refinement and enhancement of properties
Part2 Microstructure evolution in the processing of steel 6 Modelling phase transformations in steel 7 Determining unified constitutive equations for modelling hot forming of steel 8 Modelling phase transformations in hot stamping and cold die quenching of steels 9 Modelling microstructure evolution and work hardening in conventional and ultrafine-grained microalloyed steels
Part3 Microstructure evolution in the processing of other metals 10 Aging behavior and microstructure evolution in the processing of aluminum alloys 11 Microstructure control in creep-age forming of aluminium panels 12 Microstructure control in processing nickel,titanium and other special alloys