CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to the issues defining the research problems 1.1.1 Municipal solid waste management —— a globalissue 1.1.2 The reality of linking urban waste to urban agriculture production 1.1.3 Municipal solid waste pressure in the local context of 1.2 Problem statement 1.3 Research objectives and methodology 1.4 Thesis presentation
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Household waste separation —— a requirement of collective action 2.1.1 Collective action problem 2.1.2 Determinants of household waste separation 2.2 Farmers' decision making in pro-environmental agricultural practices 2.2.1 Variable groups influencing farmers' environmental behaviour 2.2.2 Practice of compost use and farmers' acceptability 2.3 Stakeholders' involvement in multi-level governance settings of municipal solid waste 2.3.1 Stakeholder 2.3.2 Governance 2.3.3 Multi-level governance 2.3.4 Multi —— stakeholder governance in municipal solid waste
CHAPTER 3 THE PRACTICE OF MUNICIPAL ORGANIC WASTE MANAGEMENT 3.1 Municipal solid waste management in Hanoi 3.1.1 Legal framework and institutional arrangements 3.1.2 Solid waste generation and composition 3.1.3 Waste separation 3.1.4 Waste collection and transportation 3.1.5 Waste treatment 3.1.6 Summary 3.2 Municipal solid waste management in some Asian countries and regions 3.2.1 Experience of organic waste management in Taiwan, China 3.2.2 Experience of food waste management in South Korea 3.2.3 Experience in municipal organic waste in Thailand 3.2.4 Municipal organic waste management in Indonesia 3.3 Key issues withdrawn from the cases 3.3.1 Segregation at source 3.3.2 Market for recycled products 3.3.3 Legislation support and multi-stakeholders' governance
CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) for investigating residents' willingness to separate waste 4.1.1 Sampling 4.1.2 The questionnaire 4.1.3 Data analysis 4.2 CVM for investigating urban farmers' willingness to pay for compost 4.2.1 Sampling 4.2.2 The questionnaire 4.2.3 Data analysis 4.3 A combination of Stakeholder analysis and Social network analysis f6r investigating stakeholders' involvement 4.3.1 Stakeholder analysis 4.3.2 Social network analysis 4.3.3 Selection of respondents and semi-structured questionnaire 4.3.4 Data analysis
CHAPTER 5 HANOI RESIDENTS' INTEND AND COGNITIVE EVALUATION OF CITY GARBAGE SORTING 5.1 The respondents' socio-economic backgrounds and habits in dealing with waste 5.2 Descriptive statistics of independent variables in the model 5.2.1 Awareness of the consequences 5.2.2 Awareness of responsibilities 5.2.3 Perceived benefits of waste separation 5.2.4 Attitude toward waste separation 5.2.5 Subjective norms 5.2.6 Personal moral norms 5.2.7 Perceived difficulties 5.2.8 Trust 5.3 Reliability coefficient and correlation analysis of independent variables 5.4 Factors influencing residential households' intention to separate waste at home 5.5 Conclusions and policy implications
CHAPTER 6 URBAN FARMERS' WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR PAID USE OF WASTE COMPOSTING 6.1 General introduction of Hanoi urban agriculture 6.1.1 Land use 6.1.2 Labor resource and employment 6.1.3 Contribution of agricultural sector to the Hanoi economy 6.1.4 Investment in agriculture 6.1.5 Farming systems in Hanoi 6.1.6 Food consumption and marketing channels 6.1.7 Environmental issues of agriculture practices 6.1.8 Summary 6.2 Surveyed farmers' profiles and farming groups' descriptions 6.3 Fertilizer application and farmers' willingness to pay (WTP) responses to compost 6.3.1 Fertilizer application by farming groups 6.3.2 Farmers' WTP responses to compost 6.4 Descriptive statistics of independent variables in the model 6.4.1 Attitude 6.4.2 Concern about the risks of compost 6.4.3 Awareness of environmental benefits of compost 6.4.4 Perceived economic benefits of compost 6.5 Factors influencing willingness to pay for compost by urban farmers 6.6 Conclusions and policy implications
CHAPTER 7 RESEARCH BASED ON THE STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED IN CITY SOLID WASTE UTILIZATION 7.1 Identifica4jon of stakeholders and their characteristics 7.1.1 Roles, interest and power of relevant stakeholders 7.1.2 Knowledge and attitude of relevant stakeholders 7.2 Network analysis 7.2.1 Degree centrality 7.2.2 Betweeness centrality 7.3 Conclusions and policy implications 7.3.1 The existence of following short term than long term interests 7.3.2 The overlapping of functions and responsibilities 7.3.3 An absence of specific regulations for the operation of the system 7.3.4 Lack of trust 7.3.5 The limited participation of the private sector 7.3.6 Network fragmentation
CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSIONS 8.1 Summary of key points 8.1.1 Willingness to separate waste by Hanoi residents 8.1.2 Willingness to pay for compost by Hanoi farmers 8.1.3 Stakeholders' involvement perspectives in utilizing urban organic waste in urban agriculture 8.2 Contribution of the thesis 8.3 Direction for further research APPENDIX A Questionnaire for Investigating Hanoi Residential Households' Willingness to Separate Waste APPENDIX B Questionnaire for Investigating Hanoi Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Compost Derived Urban Organic Waste APPENDIX C Semi-structured Interview for Investigating Stakeholders' Involvement REFERENCES AFTERWORD