湿封闭体系微生物和碳酸盐主导生油理论论文选集 出版时间:2014年版 内容简介 石油成因是世界性的科学难题。创立科学的石油成因理论,不仅是世界科学界的重大事件,而且会极大地提高石油勘探开发效率。何志高编著的《湿封闭体系微生物和碳酸盐主导生油理论论文选集》系统地汇集了作者40多年来研究创立的石油成因新理论——湿封闭体系微生物和碳酸盐主导生油理论的相关论文20篇,具有推动世界地质科学发展的重大意义,对当今全世界热衷于页岩气的研究、开发具有参考和指导作用;而且,非常有趣地发现,该理论可能对探索地球外天体有无地球类人类提供新的研究判断依据。石油究竟是怎么生成的?这个世界争论了200年的科学难题,《湿封闭体系微生物和碳酸盐主导生油理论论文选集》作者做出了随时间发展而不断深入研究至走向成熟的论述。 目录 1.湿封闭体系综合效应成油论 Wet closed system to generate petroleum theory 2.A model of oil-generation in a waterlogged and closed system 3.论石油烃类气体成因 On the origin of petroleum hydrocarbon gases 4.On the origin of petroleum hydrocarbon gases 5.论石油形成体系的化学基础——化学反应方程集合——油田形成的 最大奥秘 On the chemical basis of the formation system of petroleum——Collection of chemical reaction equations——The biggest mystery in oilfield formation 6.关于石油成因理论发展历史若干问题的思考与评论 Thought and comment on some confused problems in the oil origin theory 7.论干酪根热降解成油理论弊端 On the drawbacks of the theory of oil generation by thermal degradation of kerogen 8.On the drawbacks of the theory of oil generation by thermal degradation of kerogen 9.煤不成油的理论基础假石油与真煤焦油——再议煤不成油 Coal does not generate petroleum——on the discussion of the theoretical basis 10.Mudrock not being oil—gas source rock 11.Generation of petroleum hydrocarbon gases directly by microbial felillentation 12.微生物发酵实验生成真正石油烃类气的证据 Generation of petrolem hydrocarbon gases directly by microblial fermentation 13.窄而厚的相变带沉积物富含石油——碳酸盐岩地区一种找油的重要 领域 Narrow and thick sediments of the "Phase Change Zone" is rich petroleum 14.试用油气成因新理论讨论台湾油气勘探选区与油气性质评价 Try the new theory of the oil-generation to discuss exploration of oil-gas for the constituency in Taiwan 15.台西盆地油气组成与性质差异的成因分析 “Taihxi”basin oil and gas properties of the composition and nature of the cause of variance analysis 16.天然气组成特点及其成因机制分析 Composition characteristics of natural gas and the mechanism of its genesis 17.从热力学理论讨论烃类的演化 Discussion on the evolution of hydrocarbons in the light of the theory of thermodynamics 1 8.关于沉积地球化学相的指示标志——铁的还原系数 About sedimentary geochemical indicators——Imn reduction coefficient 19.红外光谱在石油地质研究中的几个问题 Infrared spectroscopy applications in petroleum geology few questions 20.中国“加瓦尔胚胎”与有机成油理论铁证生油剖面一种新命名的岩 石——“油泥灰岩”的命名申述 China's "Garhwal embryo" and the organic generation theory irrefutable evidence of oil generation cross—section:A new naming rock —— "Olefiant Marlstone Rock",naming representations 21.一种提高原油采收率的新方法——马弗阿法 A new method for enhanced oid recovery——MFA method 22.A new method for enhanced oil recovery——MFA method 23.原油组成一览表 List of crude oil composition 附件(Attachment) Ⅰ.About the author Ⅱ.何志高十项创新科研成果简录 Ten brief record of innovation scientific and technology achievements by He Zhigao Ⅲ.Letter from AAPG Ⅳ.关于石油成因新理论应用情况与前景的报告 The report that is the petroleum origin new theory by the author's work unit Ⅴ.报纸上的文章 Newspaper article 跋:简评“石油无机成因论” Postscript i Comment on "Petroleum inorganic origin theory" 祝贺与致谢 Congratulations and the author's acknowlegements 一碑 A monument