西方原版教材与经典读物·科学系列:科学读本5(英文版) 出版时间:2013年版 内容简介 《科学读本(英文原版)(套装共6册)》以一位名为威尔逊的教授与3位学生为主角,通过对各种事物与科学知识和原理的讨论,系统讲述了孩子们身边随时可见的事物与现象原理。以激发孩子们对科学的兴趣与爱好。这比死记知识,大量解题要实用得多。《科学读本(英文原版)(套装共6册)》对中国学生而言,这又是另一习得英文的良好途径,尤其对那些准备出国学习的孩子们,《科学读本(英文原版)(套装共6册)》的阅读学习,对他们继续国外课程的学业定有很大帮助。比起文学与文史题材的英文读本,科学英文更容易让孩子们理解与学习。一是其讲述内容均为我们身边熟悉的万事万物,容易联想记忆;二是科技英文的语法、句子结构相对简单,比文学语言更简洁清晰,易于理解。相信会得到孩子们的喜欢。大致来讲,《科学读本(英文原版)(套装共6册)》适合初中以上的学生阅读。英文程度较好的小学生,也可以从第一册开始。提供全书配套朗读文件免费下载,在学习科学知识的同时,更好地练习听读能力。This series of Science Readers was published for the use of teachers and students. It will be found useful, not only in those schools in which Elementary Science is taken as a class subject, but also for the purposes of an ordinary reader.Of this series of Science Readers, Books I, II, and III are adapted to pupils who are in their third and fourth years of school work. Both the reading and the subject matter of Books IV, V, and VI are suitable for Senior Grades.It is hoped that the young readers who follow them through these lessons will catch something of the enthusiasm and earnestness which characterize them as they advance step by step from very small beginnings to a real understanding of the elementary facts of natural science.