钢筋混凝土结构基本原理 英文版 出版时间: 2018年版 内容简介 为配合土木工程专业实施工程师教育培养计划的教学改革及教学资源建设,由武汉大学发起,联合国内部分土木工程教育专家和企业工程专家,启动了“高等学校土木工程专业工程师教育培养计划系列规划教材”建设项目。该系列教材贯彻落实《高等学校土木工程本科指导性专业规范》等,力图以工程实际为背景,以工程技术为主线,着力提升学生的工程素养,培养学生的工程实践能力和工程创新能力。该系列教材的编写人员,大多主持或参加了住房和城乡建设部高等学校土木工程学科专业指导委员会的“土木工程专业计划专项”教改项目,因此该系列教材也是土木工程专业计划专项的教改成果。 土木工程专业工程师教育培养计划的实施,需要校企合作,期望土木工程专业教育专家与工程专家一道,共同为土木工程专业工程师的培养作出贡献! 目录 1 Introduction 1.1 Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete 1.1.1 Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete 1.1.2 The Reinforced Concrete Construction 1.2 Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete 1.2.1 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete 1.2.2 Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete 1.2.3 Material Selection for Structures 1.3 Applications of Reinforced Concrete 1.4 The History of Reinforced Concrete Structures 1.4.1 The Development of Cementitious Materials 1.4.2 The Development of Reinforced Concrete Structures 1.5 Building and Design Codes References
2 Design Process 2.1 General Concepts 2.1.1 The Design Process 2.1.2 The Functional Requirements of a Structure 2.1.3 The Limit States Design 2.2 Ultimate Limit States 2.2.1 The Structural Safety 2.2.2 The Design Strength 2.2.3 The Design L.oads 2.2.4 Load Factors and Load Combinations References
3 Properties of Concrete and Reinforcement 3.1 Concrete Properties 3.1.1The Concrete Compression Strength under Uniaxial Loading 3.1.2 The Concrete Tensile Strength under Uniaxial Loading 3.1.3 The Concrete Strength under Biaxial I.oading 3.1.4 The Concrete Strength under Triaxial Loading 3.1.5 The Deformation of Concrete 3.1.6 The Cyclic Behaviour of Concrete 3.1.7 The Types of Concrete 3.2 Reinforcement Properties 3.2.1 The Types of Reinforcement 3.2.2 The Strength and Deformation of Steel Reinforcement 3.2.3 The Bond Between Concrete and Reinforcement References
4 Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams 4.1Introduction 4.2 The Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams 4.3 Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 4.3.1 The Basic Assumptions 4.3.2 The Flexural Strength of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 4.3.3 The Definition of Balance Conditions 4.3.4 The Discussion of Strength Reduction Factor 4.3.5 The Analysis of Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 4.3.6 The Design of Singly Reinforced Beams 4.4 Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 4.4.1 The Flexural Strength of Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beams 4.4.2 The Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Beam Section 4.5 T- beams 4.5.1 The F-lexural Strength of T-beams 4.5.2 The Analysis of T-beams References
5 Shear in Beams 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Cracks and the Shear Reinforcement 5.2.1 The Shear.Normal and Principle Stresses in an Uncracked Elastic Beam 5.2.2 The Cracking Pattern in a Beam 5.3 The Behavior of Beams Failing in Shear 5.3.1 The Behavior of Beams Without Web Reinforcement 5.3.2 The Mechanical Mode of a Beam Without Stirrups 5.3.3 The Behavior of Web-reinforced Concrete Beams 5.4 The Alternative Model for Shear Analysis and Design 5.4.1 The frruss Model 5.4.2 The Compression Field Theory 5.5 The ACI Code Provision for Shear Design ……