芯片制造 半导体工艺制程实用教程 第6版 英文版 出版时间: 2014年版 内容简介 本书是一本介绍半导体集成电路和器件制造技术的专业书籍,在半导体领域享有很高的声誉。本书的范围包括半导体工艺的每个阶段:从原材料的制备到封装、测试和成品运输,以及传统的和现代的工艺。全书提供了详细的插图和实例,每章包含回顾总结和习题,并辅以丰富的术语表。第六版修订了微芯片制造领域的新进展,讨论了用于图形化、掺杂和薄膜步骤的先进工艺和尖端技术,使隐含在复杂的现代半导体制造材料和工艺中的物理、化学和电子的基础知识更易理解。本书的主要特点是避开了复杂的数学问题介绍工艺技术内容;加入了半导体业界的新成果,可以使读者了解工艺技术发展的趋势。 目录 1 The Semiconductor Industry 1 Introduction 1 Birth of an Industry 1 The Solid-State Era 3 Integrated Circuits (ICs) 4 Process and Product Trends 5 Moore’s Law 6 Decreasing Feature Size 6 Increasing Chip and Wafer Size 8 Reduction in Defect Density 9 Increase in Interconnection Levels 10 The Semiconductor Industry Association Roadmap 10 Chip Cost 11 Industry Organization 11 Stages of Manufacturing 12 Six Decades of Advances in Microchip Fabrication Processes 14 The Nano Era 16 Review Topics 17 References 17 2 Properties of Semiconductor Materials and Chemicals 19 Introduction 19 Atomic Structure 19 The Bohr Atom 19 The Periodic Table of the Elements 20 Electrical Conduction 23 Conductors 23 Dielectrics and Capacitors 23 Resistors 24 Intrinsic Semiconductors 24 Doped Semiconductors 25 Electron and Hole Conduction 26 Carrier Mobility 28 Semiconductor Production Materials 29 Germanium and Silicon 29 Semiconducting Compounds 29 Silicon Germanium 31 Engineered Substrates 31 Ferroelectric Materials 31 Diamond Semiconductors 32 Process Chemicals 32 Molecules, Compounds, and Mixtures 32 Ions 33 States of Matter 34 Solids, Liquids, and Gases 34 Plasma State 34 Properties of Matter 34 Temperature 34 Density, Specic Gravity, and Vapor Density 35 Pressure and Vacuum 36 Acids, Alkalis, and Solvents 37 Acids and Alkalis 37 Solvents 38 Chemical Purity and Cleanliness 38 Safety Issues 38 The Material Safety Data Sheet 39 Review Topics 39 References 39 3 Crystal Growth and Silicon Wafer Preparation 41 Introduction 41 Semiconductor Silicon Preparation 41 Silicon Wafer Preparation Stages 42 Crystalline Materials 42 Unit Cells 43 Poly and Single Crystals 43 Crystal Orientation 44 Crystal Growth 45 Czochralski Method 45 Liquid-Encapsulated Czochralski 47 Float Zone 47 Crystal and Wafer Quality 49 Point Defects 49 Dislocations 50 Growth Defects 50 Wafer Preparation 51 End Cropping 51 Diameter Grinding 51 Crystal Orientation, Conductivity, and Resistivity Check 51 Grinding Orientation Indicators 52 Wafer Slicing 53 Wafer Marking 54 Rough Polish 54 Chemical Mechanical Polishing 55 Backside Processing 55 Double-Sided Polishing 56 Edge Grinding and Polishing 56 Wafer Evaluation 56 Oxidation 57 Packaging 57 Wafer Types and Uses 57 Reclaim Wafers 57 Engineered Wafers (Substrates) 57 Review Topics 58 References 58 4 Overview of Wafer Fabrication and Packaging 59 Introduction 59 Goal of Wafer Fabrication 59 Wafer Terminology 59 Chip Terminology 61 Basic Wafer-Fabrication Operations 63 Layering 63 Patterning 64 Circuit Design 66 Reticle and Masks 68 Doping 69 Heat Treatments 69 Example Fabrication Process 72 Wafer Sort 74 Packaging 75 Summary 75 Review Topics 76 References 76 5 Contamination Control 77 Introduction 77 The Problem 77 Contamination-Caused Problems 80 Contamination Sources 81 General Sources 81 Air 81 Clean Air Strategies 82 Cleanroom Workstation Strategy 83 Tunnel or Bay Concept 85 Micro- and Mini-Environments 86 Temperature, Humidity, and Smog 87 Cleanroom Construction 88 Construction Materials 88 Cleanroom Elements 89 Personnel-Generated Contamination 93 Process Water 94 Process Chemicals 96 Equipment 99 Cleanroom Materials and Supplies 99 Cleanroom Maintenance 100 Wafer-Surface Cleaning 100 Particulate Removal 102 Wafer Scrubbers 102 High-Pressure Water Cleaning 103 Organic Residues 103 Inorganic Residues 103 Chemical-Cleaning Solutions 104 General Chemical Cleaning 104 Oxide Layer Removal 105 Room Temperature and Ozonated Chemistries 106 Water Rinsing 108 Drying Techniques 110 Contamination Detection 112 Review Topics 112 References 113 6 Productivity and Process Yields 115 Overview 115 Yield Measurement Points 115 Accumulative Wafer-Fabrication Yield 116 Wafer-Fabrication Yield Limiters 117 Number of Process Steps 118 Wafer Breakage and Warping 118 Process Variation 119 Mask Defects 120 Wafer-Sort Yield Factors 120 Wafer Diameter and Edge Die 121 Wafer Diameter and Die Size 122
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