智能AD和DA转换(影印版 英文)作者:(美)哈比 编著出版时间:2013年版内容简介 近年来,工业变革带动了数字电路和模拟电路技术的发展。在数模(DA)和模数(AD)的转换中,智能化的概念被提出,用来检测模拟量的缺陷并加以修正。《智能AD和DA转换》首先介绍了当前数据转换设计领域的发展趋势和所面临的挑战,并在宏观上阐述了智能转换的概念。然后,应用智能转换的概念,结合两个设计实例,解决了具体的设计缺陷。最后得出结论:应用智能转换的概念,转换器的芯片面积、功耗、静态精度和动态精度得到了改善,有效地提高了DA和AD的转换性能。《智能AD和DA转换》适应面广,无论对于该学科的专家、教授、研究生,还是本科生、普通技术人员都有极大的参考价值。目录List of symbols and abbreviations1. INTRODUCTION2. AD AND DA CONVERSION1 Introduction2 Trends in applications3 Trends in technology4 Trends in system design5 Performance criteria6 Conclusion3. SMART CONVERSION1 Introduction2 Smart concept3 Application of the smart concept4 Focus in this work5 Conclusion4. SMART DA CONVERSION1 Introduction2 Area of current-steering DACs3 Correction of mismatch errors4 Sub-binary variable-radix DAC5 Designexample6 Conclusion5. DESIGN OF A SUB-BINARY VARIABLE-RADIX DAC1 Schematic design2 Layout3 Self-measurement-circuit implementation4 Experimental results5 Conclusion6. SMART AD CONVERSION1 Introduction2 Literature review3 High-speed high-resolution AD conversion4 Smart calibration5 Conclusion7. DESIGN OF AN OPEN-LOOP T&H CIRCUIT1 Literature review2 Design goal3 T&H architecture4 Sampling core architecture5 Output buffer architecture6 T&H design7 Experimental results8 Conclusion8. T&H CALIBRATION1 Introduction2 T&H accuracy3 T&H calibration method4 Analog correction parameters5 Digitally assisted analog correction6 Simulation results7 Implementation of the calibration method and layout8 Experimental results9 Conclusion9. T&H CALIBRATION FOR TIME-INTERLEAVED ADCS1 Introduction2 Channel matching in time-interleaved T&H磗3 Channel mismatch calibration4 Channel mismatch detection5 Channel mismatch correction6 Simulation results7 Implementation of the calibration method and layout8 Experimental results9 Conclusion10. CONCLUSIONSReferencesIndex 上一篇: 微交互:细节设计成就卓越产品 下一篇: 硅加工中的表征(英文)