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福建山区草地生态系统可持续发展研究 英文版 朱连奇,朱鹤健 编著 2004年版
- 名 称:福建山区草地生态系统可持续发展研究 英文版 朱连奇,朱鹤健 编著 2004年版 - 下载地址2
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作 者: 朱连奇,朱鹤健 编著
出版时间: 2004
Sustainable development is one of the questions that human are facing in the 21~t century. China is the biggest developing country in the world, its situation of population resources and environment is much more severe. On February 15, 1994, the State Council of China passed the "21st Century Agenda of China", which set up the strategic goal that China would establish economical system, social system and maintain to the relevant resources and environment basis for sustainable development.
Chapter 1 Analysis of Environmental Background
1.1 Sunshine and Solar Radiation
1.2 Analysis on Soil Physical and Chemical Characterstics in Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
1.3 Analysis of Thermal and Water Condition
1.4 Composition Characteristics of Mountain Grassland Resources
Chapter 2 Potentioal Productivity of Mountaion Grassland Ecosystem
2.1 Sunlight potential Productivity
2.2 Sunlight and Temperature Potential Productivity
2.3 Sunlight,Temperature and Water potential Productivity
2.4 Sunlight, Temperature,Water and Fertilizer Potential Productivivy
2.5 Study aon Supportiong Capacity of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
2.6 Analysis on Obstacle Factors in Mountain Grassland Ecosystem Productivity
Chapter 3 Study on Biomes of Muountain Grassland Ecosystem
3.1 The Stability of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
3.2 Biomes structure of Grassland Ecosystem in Fujian Mountainous Areas
3.3 Problem and discussion
Chapter 4 Nutrient Cycle in Grassland Ecosystem
4.1 The Characteristics of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
4.2 Study Method About Nutrient Cycle of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
4.3 Results and Discussion
Chapter 5 Ecological Function of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
Chapter 6 Position and Role of Grassland Ecosystem in Mountainous
作 者: 朱连奇,朱鹤健 编著
出版时间: 2004
Sustainable development is one of the questions that human are facing in the 21~t century. China is the biggest developing country in the world, its situation of population resources and environment is much more severe. On February 15, 1994, the State Council of China passed the "21st Century Agenda of China", which set up the strategic goal that China would establish economical system, social system and maintain to the relevant resources and environment basis for sustainable development.
Chapter 1 Analysis of Environmental Background
1.1 Sunshine and Solar Radiation
1.2 Analysis on Soil Physical and Chemical Characterstics in Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
1.3 Analysis of Thermal and Water Condition
1.4 Composition Characteristics of Mountain Grassland Resources
Chapter 2 Potentioal Productivity of Mountaion Grassland Ecosystem
2.1 Sunlight potential Productivity
2.2 Sunlight and Temperature Potential Productivity
2.3 Sunlight,Temperature and Water potential Productivity
2.4 Sunlight, Temperature,Water and Fertilizer Potential Productivivy
2.5 Study aon Supportiong Capacity of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
2.6 Analysis on Obstacle Factors in Mountain Grassland Ecosystem Productivity
Chapter 3 Study on Biomes of Muountain Grassland Ecosystem
3.1 The Stability of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
3.2 Biomes structure of Grassland Ecosystem in Fujian Mountainous Areas
3.3 Problem and discussion
Chapter 4 Nutrient Cycle in Grassland Ecosystem
4.1 The Characteristics of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
4.2 Study Method About Nutrient Cycle of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
4.3 Results and Discussion
Chapter 5 Ecological Function of Mountain Grassland Ecosystem
Chapter 6 Position and Role of Grassland Ecosystem in Mountainous
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