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流体力学数学导论(英文版 原书第3版)

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流体力学数学导论(英文版 原书第3版)
  This book is based on a one-term course in fluid mechanics originally taught in the Department of Mathematics of the University of California, Berkeley, during the spring of 1978. The goal of the course was not to provide an exhaustive account of fluid mechanics, nor to assess the engineering value of various approximation procedures. The goals were.
1 The Equations of Motion
1.1 Euler's Equations
1.2 R,otation and Vorticity
1.3 The Navier-Stokes Equations
2 Potential Flow and Slightly Viscous Flow
2.1 Potential Flow
2.2 Boundary Layers
2.3 Vortex Sheets
2.4 R;emarks on Stability and Bifurcation
3 Gas Flow in One Dimension
3.1 Characteristics
3.2 Shocks
3.3 The Riemann Problem
3.4 Combustion Waves

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