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AP物理(英文版)[赵杰,张云魁 编著] 2012年版

  • 名  称:AP物理(英文版)[赵杰,张云魁 编著] 2012年版 - 下载地址2
  • 类  别:物理学书籍
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  • 浏览次数:3
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chapter 1 introduction of ap physics
 1 why would you like to join the exam of ap physics?
 2 what are the differences between ap physics-13 and c?
 3 the test form, schedule and ratio of ap physics
 4 the type of questions in ap physics
chapter 2 making your study plan
 1 how to make your plan for ap physics-b students?
 2 how to make your plan for ap physics-c students?
 3 find your weakness and overcome it
chapter 3 the policy to join ap physics test
 1 how to do the multiple-choice questions?
 2 how to deal with the free-response questions?
 3 how to find the data from the graph?
 4 how to overcome the difficulties?
chapter 4 the key points of knowledge
 unit 1 vector and scalar (the operation of vectors,physics-c)
 unit 2 kinematics (the angular expression for circular motion,physics-c)
 unit 3 free-body analysis (the properties and analysis aboutvarious forces)
 unit 4 newton's laws of motion (centripetal force and centripetalacceleration,physics-c)
 unit 5 momentum and its conservation (two dimensional momentum,physics-c)
 unit 6 work and energy, the conservation of energy (work done byvariable force physics-c)
 unit 7 gravitation and circular ('notion (the potential and orbitof planet, physics-c)
 unit 8 rotational motion of a rigid body (physics-c only)
 unit 9 simple harmonic motion (the equation of shm,physics-c)
 unit 10 fluid mechanics (physics-b only)
 unit 11 thermodynamics
 unit 12 electrostatics (gauss law, capacitance, physics-c)
 unit 13 circuits
 unit 14 magnetism (ampere's law, physics-c)
 unit 15 electromagnetic induction induced field, physics-c)
 unit 16 waves
 unit 17 optics (physics-b only)
 unit 18 atomic and nuclear physics (physics-b only)
chapter 5 practice questions
 1 practice questions on ap physics-b and solution
 2 practice questions on ap physics-c and solution
 1 the constant on physics
 2 the words on physics
 3 the formula in ap physics-b
 4 the formula in ap physics-c

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