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物理化学(英文版) [胡英 著] 2013年版

  • 名  称:物理化学(英文版) [胡英 著] 2013年版 - 下载地址1
  • 类  别:物理学书籍
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  • 浏览次数:3
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作者:胡英 著
  "Physical Chemistry" is a textbook for students majored in chemistry and chemical engineering. It contains comprehensively various topics in depth with a focus on basic principles, new trends and applications. The whole book is composed of five parts, Equilibrium, Rate, Structure, Statistics,and Extension, covering the macroscopic level, the transition level from microscopic to macroscopic and the microscopic level. Those characteristic properties obtained by the experimental, the semi-empirical, and the theoretical methods that should be incorporated with the basic principles to solve the practical problems are paid more attention. The Framework of the whole book and of the each chapter is stressed which will be helpful for readers to manage the scientific essentials.
Explanations Concerning Physical Quantities, Units and Symbols
Symbols of Physical Quantities
PartⅠ Equilibrium
PartⅡ Rate
PartⅢ Structure
PartⅣ Statistics
PartⅤ Extension

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