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分子间力和表面力 第3版 英文版 [(美)艾拉拉奇维尼 著] 2012年版
- 名 称:分子间力和表面力 第3版 英文版 [(美)艾拉拉奇维尼 著] 2012年版 - 下载地址2
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分子间力和表面力 第3版 英文版
作者:(美)艾拉拉奇维尼 著
出版时间: 2012年版
preface to the third edition xviipreface to the second edition xixpreface to the fit edition xxipart one the forces between atoms and molecules 1. historical pepective 2. thermodynamic and statistical aspects of intermolecular forces 3. strong intermolecular forces: covalentand coulomb interactio 4. interactio involving polar molecules 5. interactio involving the polarization of molecules 6. van der waals forces 7. repulsive steric forces, total intermolecular pair potentials,and liquid structure 8. special interactio: hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic andhydrophilic interactio 9. nonequilibrium and time-dependent interactiopart two the forces between particles and surfaces 10. unifying concepts in intermolecular andinterparticle forces 11. contrasts between intermolecular, interparticle,andinteurface forces 12. force-measuring techniques 13. van der waals forces between particles and surfaces 14. electrostatic forces between surfaces in liquids 15. solvation, structural, and hydration forces 16. steric (polymer-mediated) and thermal fluctuation forces 17. adhesion and wetting phenomena 18. friction and lubrication forcespart three self-assembling structures and biological systems 19. thermodynamic principles of self-assembly 20. soft and biological structures 21. interactio of biological membranes and structures 22. dynamic biointeractioproblems and discussion topicsreferencesindex
作者:(美)艾拉拉奇维尼 著
出版时间: 2012年版
preface to the third edition xviipreface to the second edition xixpreface to the fit edition xxipart one the forces between atoms and molecules 1. historical pepective 2. thermodynamic and statistical aspects of intermolecular forces 3. strong intermolecular forces: covalentand coulomb interactio 4. interactio involving polar molecules 5. interactio involving the polarization of molecules 6. van der waals forces 7. repulsive steric forces, total intermolecular pair potentials,and liquid structure 8. special interactio: hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic andhydrophilic interactio 9. nonequilibrium and time-dependent interactiopart two the forces between particles and surfaces 10. unifying concepts in intermolecular andinterparticle forces 11. contrasts between intermolecular, interparticle,andinteurface forces 12. force-measuring techniques 13. van der waals forces between particles and surfaces 14. electrostatic forces between surfaces in liquids 15. solvation, structural, and hydration forces 16. steric (polymer-mediated) and thermal fluctuation forces 17. adhesion and wetting phenomena 18. friction and lubrication forcespart three self-assembling structures and biological systems 19. thermodynamic principles of self-assembly 20. soft and biological structures 21. interactio of biological membranes and structures 22. dynamic biointeractioproblems and discussion topicsreferencesindex
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