您当前的位置:首页 > T/GJSH 000005-2020 自动分拣设备采购合同范本(中英文对照版) > 下载地址1
T/GJSH 000005-2020 自动分拣设备采购合同范本(中英文对照版)
- 名 称:T/GJSH 000005-2020 自动分拣设备采购合同范本(中英文对照版) - 下载地址1
- 类 别:综合团体标准
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- 浏览次数:3
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This standard provides the basic requirements, composition and terms of the purchase contract for automatic sorting equipment as well as the technical requirements of the equipment.
This standard is applicable to the postal express service industry to purchase the automatic sorting equipment and formulate the contract so as to agree on the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B. The manufacturer/vendors are encouraged to comply this standard when producing the automatic sorting equipment.
This standard provides the basic requirements, composition and terms of the purchase contract for automatic sorting equipment as well as the technical requirements of the equipment.
This standard is applicable to the postal express service industry to purchase the automatic sorting equipment and formulate the contract so as to agree on the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B. The manufacturer/vendors are encouraged to comply this standard when producing the automatic sorting equipment.
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