您当前的位置:首页 > T/GJSH 000009-2020 交叉带式分拣机检测验收(中英文对照版) > 下载地址2
T/GJSH 000009-2020 交叉带式分拣机检测验收(中英文对照版)
- 名 称:T/GJSH 000009-2020 交叉带式分拣机检测验收(中英文对照版) - 下载地址2
- 类 别:综合团体标准
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- 浏览次数:3
新闻评论(共有 0 条评论) |
This standard provides the terms and definitions, purpose and object of inspection and acceptance test, testing environment and items, technical indicators, and acceptance test process, contents and method for inspection and acceptance test of cross-belt sorter.
This standard is applicable to the inspection and acceptance test for cross-belt sorter (hereinafter referred to as sorter).
This standard provides the terms and definitions, purpose and object of inspection and acceptance test, testing environment and items, technical indicators, and acceptance test process, contents and method for inspection and acceptance test of cross-belt sorter.
This standard is applicable to the inspection and acceptance test for cross-belt sorter (hereinafter referred to as sorter).
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