您当前的位置:首页 > T/GJSH 000016-2021 穿戴式条码识读设备通用规范-指环类(中英文对照版) > 下载地址2
T/GJSH 000016-2021 穿戴式条码识读设备通用规范-指环类(中英文对照版)
- 名 称:T/GJSH 000016-2021 穿戴式条码识读设备通用规范-指环类(中英文对照版) - 下载地址2
- 类 别:综合团体标准
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- 浏览次数:3
新闻评论(共有 0 条评论) |
This documentspecifies the requirements,quality assessment procedures,marking,packaging,transportation, storage,etc.of wearable barcode reading device (hereinafter collectivelyreferred to as products).
This document applies to the research,development,manufacturing and application ofwearable barcode reading device that directly decodes. Other forms of barcode reading deviceshall use this as reference.
This documentspecifies the requirements,quality assessment procedures,marking,packaging,transportation, storage,etc.of wearable barcode reading device (hereinafter collectivelyreferred to as products).
This document applies to the research,development,manufacturing and application ofwearable barcode reading device that directly decodes. Other forms of barcode reading deviceshall use this as reference.
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