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中西医结合实用英语听说高级教程 刘殿刚,李德俊,毛和荣 主编 2015年版

  • 名  称:中西医结合实用英语听说高级教程 刘殿刚,李德俊,毛和荣 主编 2015年版 - 下载地址1
  • 类  别:医药书籍
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作者: 刘殿刚,李德俊,毛和荣 主编
Part I Texts
Unit 1 Registration
Unit 2 At the Pharmacy
Unit 3 Admission to a Hospital
Unit 4 Discharge from a Hospital
Unit 5 The Spinal Exercises
Unit 6 A Follow-up Clinic
Unit 7 Fracture
Unit 8 Weight Loss by Acupuncture
Unit 9 TCM in the Post-operative Recovery
Unit 10 Insomnia
Unit 11 Arthralgia
Unit 12 Common Colds
Unit 13 Myocardiallnfarction
Unit 14 In a Cardiac Clinic
Unit 15 A Duodenal Ulcer
Unit 16 A Stomachache
Unit 17 Hypochondrial Pain
Unit 18 Anaemia
Unit 19 Suspect Goiter
Unit 20 The Department of Psychiatry
Unit 21 Cancer of the Pelvic Colon
Unit 22 In the Department of Stomatology
Unit 23 The Department of TCM
Unit 24 Venereal Clinic
Unit 25 Family Plannnig
Part Ⅱ Tapescripts and Keys
Unit 1 Registration
Unit 2 At the Pharmacy
Unit 3 Admission to a Hospital
Unit 4 Discharge from a Hospital
Unit 5 The Spinal Exercises
Unit 6 A Follow-up Clinic
Unit 7 Fracture
Unit 8 Weight Loss by Acupuncture
Unit 9 TCM in the Post-operative Recovery
Unit 10 Insomnia
Unit 11 Arthralgia
Unit 12 Common Colds
Unit 13 Myocardial Infarction
Unit 14 In a Cardiac Clinic
Unit 15 A Duodenal Ulcer
Unit 16 A Stomachache
Unit 17 Hypochondrial PAin
Unit 18 Anaemia
Unit 19 Suspect Goiter
Unit 20 In the Department of Psychiatry
Unit 21 Cancer of the Pelvic Colon
Unit 22 In the Department of Stomatology
Unit 23 The Department of TCM
Unit 24 Venereal Clinic
Unit 25 Family Plannnig

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