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组织学技术 第六版 英文影印版 (美)Bancroft 2008年版
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组织学技术 第六版 英文影印版
出版时间: 2008年版
List of contributors
Preface to the first edition
General acknowledgments
AcknowIedgment to Alan Stevens
1.Managing the Laboratory
Marilyn Gamble,lain Banks and John D.Bancroft
2.Safety in the Laboratory
Richard W.Dapson
3.Light Microscopy
John D.Bancroft and Alton D.Floyd
4.Fixation of Tissues
William E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.Myers
5.The Gross Room/Surgical Cutup
Paul E.Billings and William E.Grizzle
6.Tissue Processing
LenaT.Spencer and John D.Bancroft
7.Microtomy:Paraffin and Frozen
Lena T.Spencer and John D.Bancroft
8.How do Histological Stains Work?
Richard W.Horobin
9.The Hematoxy 8ins and Eosin
Marilyn Gamble
10.Connective Tissues and Stains
M.Lamar Jones,John D.Bancroft and Marilyn Gamble
Russell B.Myers,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and William E.Grizzle
M.Lamar Jones
13.Proteins and Nudeic Acids
Jerry L.Fredenburgh,John D.Bancroft,William E.Grizzle and Russell B.Myers
14.Pigments and Minerals
Charies J.Churukian
Geoffrey H.Vowles
16.The Dispersed Neuroendocrine System,Cytoplasmic Granules and other Organelles
William E.Grizzle and John D.Bancroft
Jeanine H.Bartlett
Gayle M.Callis
19.Techniques in Neuropathology
Scott L.Nestor
20.Enzyme Histachemistry and its Diagnostic Applications
Scott L.Nestor and John D.Bancroft
21.lmmunohistochemical Techniques
Peter Jackson and David Blythe
22.lmmunohistochemistry Quality Control
Christa L.Hladik and Charles L.White
23.lmmunohistochemistry Applications in Pathology
Charles L.White
24.lmmunofluorescent Techniques
Christa L.Hladik and Charles L.White
25.Tissue Microarray
Wanda Grace-Jones
26.Molecular Pathology——In Situ hybridization
Dlane L.Sterchi
27.Genetic Testing:Utilization of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization(FISH)
Caroline Astbury
28.Laser Micodissection
Diane L.Sterchi
29.Plastic Embedding for Light Microscopy
Neil M.Hand
30.Electron Microscopy
Anthony E.Woods and John w.StMing
31.Quantitative Data from Microscopic Specimens
Alton D.Floyd
William E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.Myers
Staining Methods Index
Subject Index
出版时间: 2008年版
List of contributors
Preface to the first edition
General acknowledgments
AcknowIedgment to Alan Stevens
1.Managing the Laboratory
Marilyn Gamble,lain Banks and John D.Bancroft
2.Safety in the Laboratory
Richard W.Dapson
3.Light Microscopy
John D.Bancroft and Alton D.Floyd
4.Fixation of Tissues
William E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.Myers
5.The Gross Room/Surgical Cutup
Paul E.Billings and William E.Grizzle
6.Tissue Processing
LenaT.Spencer and John D.Bancroft
7.Microtomy:Paraffin and Frozen
Lena T.Spencer and John D.Bancroft
8.How do Histological Stains Work?
Richard W.Horobin
9.The Hematoxy 8ins and Eosin
Marilyn Gamble
10.Connective Tissues and Stains
M.Lamar Jones,John D.Bancroft and Marilyn Gamble
Russell B.Myers,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and William E.Grizzle
M.Lamar Jones
13.Proteins and Nudeic Acids
Jerry L.Fredenburgh,John D.Bancroft,William E.Grizzle and Russell B.Myers
14.Pigments and Minerals
Charies J.Churukian
Geoffrey H.Vowles
16.The Dispersed Neuroendocrine System,Cytoplasmic Granules and other Organelles
William E.Grizzle and John D.Bancroft
Jeanine H.Bartlett
Gayle M.Callis
19.Techniques in Neuropathology
Scott L.Nestor
20.Enzyme Histachemistry and its Diagnostic Applications
Scott L.Nestor and John D.Bancroft
21.lmmunohistochemical Techniques
Peter Jackson and David Blythe
22.lmmunohistochemistry Quality Control
Christa L.Hladik and Charles L.White
23.lmmunohistochemistry Applications in Pathology
Charles L.White
24.lmmunofluorescent Techniques
Christa L.Hladik and Charles L.White
25.Tissue Microarray
Wanda Grace-Jones
26.Molecular Pathology——In Situ hybridization
Dlane L.Sterchi
27.Genetic Testing:Utilization of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization(FISH)
Caroline Astbury
28.Laser Micodissection
Diane L.Sterchi
29.Plastic Embedding for Light Microscopy
Neil M.Hand
30.Electron Microscopy
Anthony E.Woods and John w.StMing
31.Quantitative Data from Microscopic Specimens
Alton D.Floyd
William E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.Myers
Staining Methods Index
Subject Index
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