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作 者: 李坚,俞强,万同,张洪文 编
出版时间: 2014
  本教材共10章。1. Introduction(绪论)、2. Polpmer preparation (聚合物的制备)、3. Polymer structure,molecular motion and transition (聚合物结构、分子运动和转变)、4. Polymer Properties(聚合物的性质)、5. Analysis and Testing of Polymers(聚合物表征和测试)、6. Plastics(塑料)、7.Elastimers (弹性体)、8. Polymer Composites(聚合物基复合材料)、9. Coatings (涂料)、10 Recent developments in polymer science and technology(聚合物科学技术新进展)。
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Classification of polymerizations 1
1.1.1 Condensation and addition polymerization 1
1.1.2 Step and chain polymerizations 3
1.2 Classification of Polymers 5
1.2.1 Classification by source 5
1.2.2 Classification by mechanical behavior and application 5
1.2.3 Classification by synthesis reaction 6
1.2.4 Classification by chain structure 6
1.2.5 Classification by processing characteristics 7
1.3 Physical State, Property and Application of Polymers 8
1.3.1 Crystalline and amorphous behavior 8
1.3.2 Thermal transitions 8
1.3.3 General properties of polymers 9
1.3.4 Applications of polymer materials 10
1.4 Polymer Processing 10
1.4.1 Ingredients of polymer materials 11
1.4.2 Processing methods 11
1.5 Development of Polymer Science and Engineering 13
1.5.1 Brief history of polymer materials 13
1.5.2 Establishment of polymer science 14
1.5.3 The development of synthetic polymers 14
Problems 19
Chapter 2 Polymer Synthesis 20
2.1 Step Polymerization 20
2.1.1 Basis for analysis of polymerization kinetics 21
2.1.2 Kinetics of step polymerization 22
2.1.3 Molecular weight control in linear polymerization 28
2.2 Radical Chain Polymerization 33
2.2.1 Rate of radical chain polymerization 33
2.2.2 Molecular weight 38
2.2.3 Chain transfer 40
2.2.4 Inhibition and retardation 42
2.2.5 Process conditions 43
Problems 47
Chapter 3 Polymer Structure, Molecular Motions and Transitions of Polymers 50
3.1 General Introduction for Polymer Structures 50
3.1.1 Structural groups 50

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