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丛编项: 中国传统文化系列 蔡志忠漫画中英文版
中国早期思想家的著作影响了中国文化和社会的方方面面,从教育到艺术,从政治到战争到日常礼节。广受欢迎的漫画家蔡志忠先生一直致力于用他独特而富有吸引力的画风将这些古代经典著儿的智慧带入生活。这一中国传统思想系列漫画映射出历史上伟大的思想家们的光辉;包括:·孔子,和谐生活的智慧·老子,道家自然生活的智慧·庄子,道家自由与自然的智慧·孙子,不战而胜的智慧·禅师,生活在瞬间的智慧蔡志忠先生最早是因为他获奖的多部动画电影和每日连载漫画引起大众的关注的。在长期的自学之后,蔡志忠先生将创作方向转移到经典著作上。作品广受评论家的好评并快速成为畅销书。蔡先生的书已被美国知名 如,PrincetonUniversityPress和Knopf出版。BrianBruya是此系列书美国版的译者,拥有夏威夷大学比较哲学的博士的学位。他是中国早期哲学研究领域的专家和翻译,同时还是一个关于中国哲学研究的网站“书海文苑”的总编辑。
The Life of Confucius
The Analects
Pleasure and Humility
Like the North Star
Cultivating the Way
True Understanding
Proper Ceremony
The Sacrificial Goat
The Way of Self-Respect
What It Takes
Seeing Yourself in Others
Friends of Virtue
Yan Hui's Intellect
Zai Yu and the Filthy Wall
The Meaning of "Cultured"
Contriving Appearances
A Town of Ten Families
Yah Hui's Learning
Yah Hui's Worthiness
The Wise and The Benevolent
Transmitting Ideas
A Scholar's Ease
Dreaming of the Duke of Zhou
The Foundation of Good Conduct
Universal Education
Teaching Good Students
Simple Pleasures
Knowledge and Study
Learning from Others
Fair Play
Dying Men Don't Lie
Good Students Fear Forgetting
The Stream of Time
Age and Respect
Facing Facts
Fire in the Stable
Spirits and Death
Overdoing It
Chai is Naive
The People's Trust
Assist in the Good
Making Friends
Rectifying Oneself
Patience and Prescience
Greed Is Shameful
The Complete Person
Saying and Doing
Extravagant in Deeds
Throwing Stones
A Good Horse
How to Treat One's Enemies
Understanding Confucius
A Wasted Life
Conditional Service
Cultivating Benevolence
Thinking Ahead
The Golden Rule
Thinking vs. Studying
Yield to No One
The Three Temptations
The Nine Considerations
Praising Deeds
Nature vs. Nurture
The Six Defects
The Brazen Burglar
Confucius and Ru Bei
Playing Games
Maids and Valets
An Immature Forty
Benevolence and Duty
Crazy Jieyu
The Two Recluses
Being an Example
The Disciples of Confucius
Yah Hui
Min Sun
Ran Yong
Zhong You
Zai Yu
Duanmu Si
Pu Shang
Tantai Mieming
Zeng Shen
You Ruo
Nangong Kuo
Gongxi Chi
丛编项: 中国传统文化系列 蔡志忠漫画中英文版
中国早期思想家的著作影响了中国文化和社会的方方面面,从教育到艺术,从政治到战争到日常礼节。广受欢迎的漫画家蔡志忠先生一直致力于用他独特而富有吸引力的画风将这些古代经典著儿的智慧带入生活。这一中国传统思想系列漫画映射出历史上伟大的思想家们的光辉;包括:·孔子,和谐生活的智慧·老子,道家自然生活的智慧·庄子,道家自由与自然的智慧·孙子,不战而胜的智慧·禅师,生活在瞬间的智慧蔡志忠先生最早是因为他获奖的多部动画电影和每日连载漫画引起大众的关注的。在长期的自学之后,蔡志忠先生将创作方向转移到经典著作上。作品广受评论家的好评并快速成为畅销书。蔡先生的书已被美国知名 如,PrincetonUniversityPress和Knopf出版。BrianBruya是此系列书美国版的译者,拥有夏威夷大学比较哲学的博士的学位。他是中国早期哲学研究领域的专家和翻译,同时还是一个关于中国哲学研究的网站“书海文苑”的总编辑。
The Life of Confucius
The Analects
Pleasure and Humility
Like the North Star
Cultivating the Way
True Understanding
Proper Ceremony
The Sacrificial Goat
The Way of Self-Respect
What It Takes
Seeing Yourself in Others
Friends of Virtue
Yan Hui's Intellect
Zai Yu and the Filthy Wall
The Meaning of "Cultured"
Contriving Appearances
A Town of Ten Families
Yah Hui's Learning
Yah Hui's Worthiness
The Wise and The Benevolent
Transmitting Ideas
A Scholar's Ease
Dreaming of the Duke of Zhou
The Foundation of Good Conduct
Universal Education
Teaching Good Students
Simple Pleasures
Knowledge and Study
Learning from Others
Fair Play
Dying Men Don't Lie
Good Students Fear Forgetting
The Stream of Time
Age and Respect
Facing Facts
Fire in the Stable
Spirits and Death
Overdoing It
Chai is Naive
The People's Trust
Assist in the Good
Making Friends
Rectifying Oneself
Patience and Prescience
Greed Is Shameful
The Complete Person
Saying and Doing
Extravagant in Deeds
Throwing Stones
A Good Horse
How to Treat One's Enemies
Understanding Confucius
A Wasted Life
Conditional Service
Cultivating Benevolence
Thinking Ahead
The Golden Rule
Thinking vs. Studying
Yield to No One
The Three Temptations
The Nine Considerations
Praising Deeds
Nature vs. Nurture
The Six Defects
The Brazen Burglar
Confucius and Ru Bei
Playing Games
Maids and Valets
An Immature Forty
Benevolence and Duty
Crazy Jieyu
The Two Recluses
Being an Example
The Disciples of Confucius
Yah Hui
Min Sun
Ran Yong
Zhong You
Zai Yu
Duanmu Si
Pu Shang
Tantai Mieming
Zeng Shen
You Ruo
Nangong Kuo
Gongxi Chi
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上一篇: 庄子说2:自然的箫声(英文版)