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环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版 英文影印版)

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  • 类  别:环境工程
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环境科学:交叉关系学科(第12版 英文影印版)
丛编项: 大学环境教育丛书
chapter 1 environmental interrelationships
chapter 2 environmental ethics
chapter 3 environmental risk: economics, assessment, and management
chapter 4 interrelated scientific principles: matter, energy, and environment
chapter 5 interactions: environments and organisms
chapter 6 kinds of ecosystems and communities
chapter 7 populations: characteristics and issues
chapter 8 energy and civilization: patterns of consumption
chapter 9 energy sources
chapter 10 nuclear energy
chapter 11 biodiversity issues
chapter 12 land-use planning
chapter 13 soil and its uses
chapter 14 agricultural methods and pest management
chapter 15 water management
chapter 16 air quality issues
chapter 17 solid waste management and disposal
chapter 18 environmental regulations: hazardous substances and wastes
chapte r 19 environmental policy and decision making
appendix 1
appendix 2

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