1 绪论(Introduction)
1.1 测控仪表系统(Measurement and Control Itrument System)
1.2 本课程的意义及所讨论的内容(Significance and Content of the Coue)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
2 测控仪表基本概念及性能指标(Basic Concept and Performance Index of Measurementand Control Itrumentl
2.1 测量范围、上下限及量程(Measuring Range.Upper and Lower RangeLimit,Span)
2.2 零点迁移和量程迁移(Zero Shift and Span Shift)
2.3 灵敏度和分辨率(Seitivity and Resolution)
2.4 测量误差(Measurement Error)
2.5 线性度(Linearity)
2.6 精度和精度等级(Accuracy and Accuracy Grade)
2.7 死区、滞环和回差(Dead Band、Hysteresis error、Hysteresis ofItrument)
2.8 反应时间(Respoe Time)
2.9 重复性和再现性(Repeatability and Reproducibility)
2.10 可靠性(Reliability)
2.11 稳定性(Stability)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
3 温度检测及仪表(Temperature Measurement and Itruments)
3.1 温度及温度测量(Temperature and Temperature Measurement)
3.2 接触式测温仪表(Itruments of Contact Temperature Measurement)
3.3 非接触式测温仪表(Itruments of Non-contact TemperatureMeasurement)
3.4 光纤温度传感器(Optical-fiber Temperature Seo)
3.5 测温仪表的选用及安装(Selection and Itallation of Temperature MeasuringItruments)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
4 压力检测及仪表(Pressure Measurement and Itruments)
4.1 压力及压力检测方法(Pressure and Pressure Measurement Methods)
4.2 常用压力检测仪表(Pressure Measurement Itruments in General Use)
4.3 测压仪表的使用及压力检测系统(Use of Pressure Itrument and PressureMeasurement System)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
5 流量检测及仪表(Flow Measurement and Itruments)
5.1 流量检测的基本概念(Basic Concept of Flow Measurement)
5.2 体积流量检测及仪表(Volumetric Flow Measurement and Itruments)
5.3 质量流量检测及仪表(Mass Flow Measurement and Itruments)
5.4 流量标准装置(Calibration Devices for How Measurement)
5.5 流量测量仪表的选型(Selection of Flow Measurement Itruments)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
6 物位检测及仪表(Level Measurement and Itruments)
6.1 物位的定义及物位检测仪表的分类(Definition and Classification of LevelMeasurement Itruments)------
6.2 常用物位检测仪表(Level Measurement Itruments in General Use)
6.3 影响物位测量的因素(Influence Facto of Level Measurement)
6.4 物位测量仪表的选型(Type Selection of Level Measurement Itruments)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
7 成分分析仪表(Analytical Itruments)
7.1 成分分析方法及分类(Composition Analytical Methods andClassification)
7.2 自动分析仪表的基本组成(Basic Composition of Automatic Analyze)
7.3 工业常用自动分析仪表(Industrial Automatic Analyze in General Use)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
8 控制仪表及装置(Control Itruments and Devices)
8.1 概述(Introduction)
8.2 模拟式控制仪表(Analog Control Itruments)
8.3 数字式控制仪表及装置(Digital Control Itruments and Devices)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
9 执行器(Actuator)
9.1 概述(Introduction)
9.2 执行机构(Actuator)
9.3 调节机构(Valve)
9.4 执行器的选择和计算(Selection and Calculation of Actuator)
9.5 气动执行器的安装和维护(Itallation and Maintenance of PneumaticActuator)
9.6 电气转换器及阀门定位器(Electric Pneumatic Converter and ValvePositioner)
9.7 数字调节阀与智能调节阀(Digital Valve and Intelligent Valve)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)