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机械工程制图基础习题集 第三版 [陈平, 万静主编]

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机械工程制图基础习题集 第三版
作者:陈平, 万静主编
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge and Skills of Drawing制图基本知识与技能
1-1 Font exercises字体练习
1-2 Dimensioning exercises尺寸标注练习
1-3 Drawing exercises with drawing tools绘图工具作图练习
1-4 Drawing exercises with Inventor software Inventor软件作图练习
Chapter 2 Basis of Projection投影基础
2-1 Match pictorial drawings with three views记物寻图
2-2 Draw three views according to the cabinet axonometric projections 由斜二测图画三视图
2-3 Draw cabinet axonometric projections according to three views由三视图画斜二测图
2-4 Draw the third view according to the giyen two views已知两视图补画第三视图
2-5 Choices选择
2-6 Add missing details补画所缺图线
Chapter 3 Projection of Points,Lines and Planes点、直线、平面的投影
3-1 Projection of points点的投影
3-2 Projection of lines直线的投影
3-3 Projection of planes平面的投影
3-4 Relative position of lines and planes线面的相对位置
3-5 Draw the third view using line*****amp;plane analysis method线面分析法补画第三视图
Chapter 4 Projection of Solids立体的投影
4-1 Curved solids曲面立体
4-2 Intersection of planes and solids平面与立体相交
4-3 Intersection of two solids两立体相交
4-4 Comprehensive exercises综合练习
Chapter 5 Co****ite Solids组合体
5-1 Add the missing details补画所缺图线
5-2 Configuration of co****ite solids组合体构型
5-3 Shape analysis method形体分析法
5-4 Line*****amp;plane analysis method线面分析法
5-5 Dimension of co****ite solids组合体尺寸标注
5-6 3D modeling and drawing three views 3D建模绘制三视图
5-7 Freehand drawing three views徒手绘制三视图
Chapter 6 Representation Methods of Parts机件表达方法
6-1 Basic views基本视图
6-2 Add the missing details补画所缺图线
6-3 Sectional views剖视图
6-4 Cut views断面图
6-5 Choices选择
6-6 Dimensioning exercises尺寸标注练习
6-7 Comprehensive exercises综合练习
Chapter 7 Standard Parts and Commonly Used Parts标准件与常用件
7-1 Specified representation of threads螺纹的规定画法
7-2 Thread marks螺纹标注
7-3 Screw fasteners螺纹联接件
7-4 Key joints and gears键联结和齿轮
Chapter 8 Detail Drawings零件图
8-1 Surface texture表面结构
8-2 Limits and fits极限与偏差
8-3 Labeling标注
8-4 Read detail drawings读零件图
8-5 Freehand drawing axonometric projection徒手绘制轴测图
Chapter 9 Assembly Drawings装配图
9-1 Complete assembly drawings画装配图
9-2 3D assembly三维装配
9-3 Correct assembly drawings装配图改错
9-4 Read assembly drawings读装配图
Chapter 10 Other Engineering Drawings**工程图样
10-1 Pipeline engineering drawings管线工程图
10-2 Foreign engineering drawing samples国外工程图例

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