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中国民居(英文版)[单德启著;王德华译] 2010年版

  • 名  称:中国民居(英文版)[单德启著;王德华译] 2010年版 - 下载地址2
  • 类  别:建筑书籍
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  • 浏览次数:3
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  China has a vast territory and an extremely long history with the natural andcultural environment differing from region to region. Therefore thediversification of Chinese vernacular dwelling is rarely seen in the architecturalhistory of the world. This book has chosen some settlements which arerepresentative and widely spread to introduce basing on the interaction of theliving customs, action characteristics and the space mode of people who inhabitthe traditional vernacular dwellings.Chinese vernacular dwelling is various and colorful. Both the profound andsteady northern vernacular dwellings and the elegant and pretty southernvernacular dwellings contain the philosophy that \"human beings should be inharmony with nature\" and the ethic views such as superiority and inferiority insocial life, the order of elders and the young, the different treatment towardsmen and women, the differentiation between people in and out of a clan. Thisbook has described the origin, architectural characteristics and the passing-down value of the Chinese traditional vernacular dwellings in a popular waybut with the professional accuracy. This book is dotted with related historicallegends and folklores. Thus, a vivid scroll of Chinese vernacular dwelling wasclearly drawn.
Beijing Quadrangle Courtyards
Huizhou Dwellings
Shaoxing Reverside Dwellings
Minxi Clay Buildings
Architectural Novelty in the Homeland
Ganlan Wood House and Storm-Tossed Bridge
Ancient Lijiang Streets
Tibetan Watchtwoers
Appendix:Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties

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