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室内景观 [童家林 编] 2014年

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作 者: 童家林 编 张晨 译
出版时间: 2014
Chapter One Interior Landscape: Creating a Green Microclimate
第一章 室内景观:营造绿色微气候
1.1 Why Choose Interior Landscape?
11 为什么建造室内景观?
1.2 Green Buildings: the Role of Interior Plants
1.2 绿色建筑:在室内发挥植物的力量
1.3 Concept of Interior Landscape Design
1.3 室内景观的设计原理
Chapter Two Design Elements of Interior Landscape
第二章 室内景观的构景元素
2.1 Nature and Architecture: Interior Design of Hard Landscape
2.2 Base Coverings (Paving)
2.2 基本路面
2.3 Secrets of Interior Waterscape
2.3 室内水景的秘密
2.4 Working with Nature: Lighting and Ventilation
2.4 利用自然:采光和通风
2.5 Living Landscape: Interior Plant Design
2.5 活的景观:室内植物设计
Chapter Three The Making of Interior Landscape
第三章 室内景观的建造
3.1 Growing Media
3.1 生长介质
3.2 Irrigation Systems
32 灌溉
3.3 Temperature and Humidity
3.3 温度和湿度
3.4 Top Dressings: Hiding Bare Soil and Enhancing the Look of Plant Displays
34 裸土装饰
Chapter Four Landscape Design of Atriums
第四章 中庭景观设计
INRA research laboratories in Champenoux
Herringbone Restaurant
Regional Printing House—a Bioclimatic Garden for an Office Building

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