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- 名 称:断裂韧性分析转变温度 - 下载地址1
- 类 别:钢铁冶金
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新闻评论(共有 0 条评论) |
Center for Advanced Aerospace Materials, Pohang University of Science and
Technology, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
b Plate Research Group, Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, Pohang 790-785,
Republic of Korea
Received 11 February 2005; received in revised form 11 May 2006; accepted 11 May
Technology, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea
b Plate Research Group, Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO, Pohang 790-785,
Republic of Korea
Received 11 February 2005; received in revised form 11 May 2006; accepted 11 May
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